
Theme 1

The surveillance system for contaminants in the food chain managed by the DGAL: report on the 2014 plan campaign

The Directorate General for Food (DGAL) of the French Ministry of Agriculture, Agri-food and Forestry manages a surveillance system for contaminants in food and feed. The system is complex and involves many stakeholders interacting with one another. Its main objectives are to verify if products are safe and to monitor trends in contamination over time.

National report on the 2015 health inspection campaign for cattle: perception and knowledge of cattle farmers and veterinarians regarding foot-and-mouth disease in metropolitan France

Due to concerns about the epidemiological situation in neighbouring countries and the risk of foot-andmouth disease being reintroduced into France, the 2015 health inspection for cattle focused on this disease. The

Culicoides population monitoring in France during the expected 2015-16 vector-free period

Following the reemergence of bluetongue virus in September 2015, a new monitoring network for Culicoides populations was set up in France during fall 2015- winter 2016. Despite the mild temperatures of fall 2015- winter 2016, the Culicoides surveillance together with the virus circulation surveillance allowed to notify certain departments as free of both virus and vector activity starting late January 2016.


Dermatose nodulaire contagieuse des bovins : état des connaissances et situation épidémiologique dans les Balkans au 31 juillet 2016


Inventaire des actions de surveillance de la faune sauvage mises en oeuvre en France entre 2000 et 2013


Infection par l’hantavirus Séoul chez un particulier éleveur de rats dans le Haut-Rhin


L’épisode d’influenza aviaire en France en 2015-2016 – Situation épidémiologique au 30 juin 2016


Réseau national de surveillance des virus influenza A chez le Porc (Résavip) – Bilan de la surveillance menée en 2015


Inventaire des actions de surveillance de la faune sauvage mises en oeuvre en France entre 2000 et 2013


Distinction de plusieurs sous-populations de virus influenza porcins H1avN2 en France

